Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dealing with a Wasp Problem at Home

Dealing with a Wasp Problem at Home

Wasps become a major pest issue as summer nears. This is the time when their nests are bigger and they seem to become a bit more aggressive. They can attack in huge numbers and when they see that they are threatened, they don’t hesitate in stinging you repeatedly. That’s why wasps are so dangerous – because they can hurt you. They even pose a certain risk to those who are naturally allergic to their venom.

If you happen to see wasps in your home, yard, or garden, then you should immediately do something about it. Don’t let them feel like they’re at home, because if you do, they’ll build nests and thrive in no time.

Getting Rid of Wasp Nests

Whenever you need to deal with wasp nests, the best solution is to call a pest exterminator. Yes, you may be able to do it yourself, but you should be aware of the risks involved in trying to get near a nest. In fact, you should never undermine the experience and skills of a prof in getting rid of wasp nests. One nest alone is able to produce about 30,000 wasps, which means that you are putting yourself in danger whenever they decide to strike back.

wasps building nestThe usual locations of these nests are wall cavities, trees, garages and holes in the ground, sheds, lofts, and even bird boxes. The earlier you determine you have a wasp nest the easier it is to get rid of. Of course, if you decide to hire a professional wasp exterminator, then you should expect the following benefits:

  1. Expert advice in terms of safely and conveniently removing the threat
  2. Eliminating the possibility of you and the rest of your family from getting stung
  3. Reliable pros will be offering you very reasonable rates

Wasp Exterminating Services

exterminatorOnce you see a wasp nest, the most common response would be to attempt to get rid of it using some kind of powder or spray you bought in a home improvement and supply store. However, you can’t just deal with any kind of wasp nest because it can be very dangerous. In fact, we only recommend you try removing it yourself if it is small enough and not in a difficult position. This means that you should not even think of doing it if you need to climb a tree or use a ladder. And if you’re allergic to wasp venom, you have no other choice but to call a professional.

The most notable advantage of calling a pest control professional is that they definitely know what they’re doing. Aside from that, they will be equipped and dressed up in protective gear, which means that they no longer are at risk of being stung by a wasp. With their level of expertise and experience, they can deal with all kinds of aggressive wasps and be able to use the right insecticides to kill them. A nest with at least 5,000 wasps is something that needs to be taken care of by a professional. It is not and never will be a homeowner’s task to handle it.

The post Dealing with a Wasp Problem at Home appeared first on Pest Control Baltimore.